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Sir Jason C.:
Greetings one and all,
My name is Jason, and despite being apart of another organization and holding the title of Knight already, I shall be respectful and not use my title.

I am a father of five children, with a loving and adoring wife that supports everything that I do. But that is just the current portion of my life, but my past.. is a whole different story, which I shall share with everyone.

In November of 2012, I lost my late wife.. the mother to my three oldest children, to cancer. She had fought for four years against it, placing it into remission several times.. but the last time, it came back with a vengeance and planned on not stopping until it accomplished its mission. Since finding out that my late wife was diagnosed with cancer (on our daughter's 1st birthday no less), I made a oath that I would do everything I could to fight to raise money to assist in finding a cure for all types of cancer, not just that of what my late wife had.

Towards the end of summer in 2011, a close friend came to me with some information about a Knightly order in which did nothing but raise money for charities, through holding events and fighting for fund raisers. This interested me, without a doubt.. and once my late wife obtained the information for it, she was behind me with getting involved. Hence, my entrance into the Knightly Order of the Fiat Lux. Exactly a week prior to my late wife passing, I received a scroll.. and within that scroll, I had been officially knighted as first Knight of my Chapter (official knighting took place later, but due to my circumstances, and the rules of the organization.. I was granted my knighthood ahead of time).

I went to visit my late wife in the hospital, and handed her the scroll. Her eyes lite up and a bright smile laced her lips as I had accomplished yet something else I had set out to do, and with her full support. After her passing, I swore enough more that I would push harder to continue to raise funds for the fight against cancer. Not only did I lose my wife, the mother of my children.. but my best friend as well. Following that, I lost my grandfather to cancer as well.. with prior to my late wife's passing, losing my baby cousin to suicide. So, clearly.. I had enough and said that I needed to start pushing forward a bit with things some more.

For awhile, some medical issues have stopped me from getting fully involved in combat. But as of late, I have been pushing to get back into things a bit more. Since I don't really have anyone locally to practice live steel with, I am going to be attending the local SCA practice.. which to me, is as close as I can get for the moment.. cause I am at least fighting in my armor. I do tend to still fight with boffer weapons, and thats simply because I do have children.. and many friends that just fight boffer, so I tend different practices for that as well.. and those kinda become more like exercise time.

I am a member of the Chivalry Sports Academy, based out of Myrtle Beach. It is still relatively new, and its also to help keep up with my skills.. if not teach me new skills or tricks. All the way around, I am attempting to be involved in things that will keep my training up to date.. but I am always for the charity stuff as well. I will be participating in an upcoming charity event called the Hunger Games, which is to help assist with hunger relief within South Carolina.

Well, I think that sums everything up in a nut shell about me.. my history (including some of my medieval history) and where I would like to see myself go further into the future. Any questions, just shout. Thanks!!

Sir Edward:
Welcome to the forum!

My condolences about your wife. I can't even begin to imagine what that must be like.

Sir James A:
Welcome to the forums! Glad to see you here. That is a very touching story.

Feel free to check around any existing threads, and jump into the conversations. We're not really concerned about "necro'ing" old threads, since we're still a relatively small forum.

Sir Patrick:
Welcome to the Forum!

Welcome to Modern Chivalry!


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