Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

ah, My Armor buying season.

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Sir Nate:
Every year since 2010 I have gotten my armor around late September and early October.
September is a good time to use some of the money I already have and my birthday is october 1st, so I get a bunch of items from parents(it's good to still be in highschool:)
Im getting these items all off medievalcollectibles.com if anyone wants to check it out.
It's a pretty good price all add up a little over 200.
I am also getting a new surcoat from museumreplicas.com but it is on back order right now.

Sir Nate:
here is the surcoat.

What are your thoughts of making it?

Sir William:
I just put the same surcoat up on ebaY - I've got enough Crusader and Templar gear, that was just overkill.  The stuff from MC is ok, after a while though, you may find that you'll be needing to replace some of it as the pieces themselves are pretty durable, but things like straps, buckles and lacings are not.  I had those same 'Crusader legs w/hard knees' and the lace on the back of one of them snapped as I tried to loosen it to get it on.  Little stuff, but it can get on your nerves.

With that said, on a limited budget, you can't go wrong here- although some of the more historically-accurate forumites would tell you to just save your money to get something really accurate/cool/whatever and they'd have a point, but where's the fun in that?   Half the fun is in acquisitions and trade- if you don't like it, someone else probably will so you move it along and acquire something new.  Have fun, above all.

Sir Nate:
making it, I will make my own surcoat eventually.


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