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Closing weekend of MDRF
Sir Martyn:
Well, didn't make it in time for the group photo but it was great to see everyone out there today. I look forward to the next gather :)
Sir James A:
There were 5 members in attendance in armor... and 6 when Sir William arrived a bit after this photo.
It was also great to finally meet Lord Dane in person, and to meet Gareyth as well!
Sir Edward:
It was great to get a good showing of armored folks at MDRF yesterday! I have a few pictures to process. I posted one group photo on the Order's FB page already (Sir James linked it above). I have others after Sir William arrived too, but this was the best of the "front" views, so I posted that first.
It was really good to get a chance to interact some more with Gareyth and Lord Dane. I think Sir William must have been dragged away by his lady though, since we lost track of him fairly quickly! We'll have to correct that mistake sometime soon, and find some time to have another gathering.
Sir William:
Brethren, my sincerest apologies for the quick entry/exit- I pushed for us to attend this last day because I'd missed the entire season due to scheduling conflicts and my lovely lady had a prior engagement that I made her a little late for...but I've always missed this photo op in the past and besides, I hadn't seen any of you since the last VARF show date I made. You guys looked fantastic!
My wife did take a goodly amount of pics so I'll be posting those as soon as I can locate her camera.
One thing I did note, even had I been able to stick around, I wouldn't have made it much longer in harness...I am woefully out of shape and it is showing up in spades now. I have pains in areas I never felt pain in before- I am not currently aging gracefully I must say.
Sir Edward:
--- Quote from: Sir William on 2013-10-21, 15:15:26 ---One thing I did note, even had I been able to stick around, I wouldn't have made it much longer in harness...I am woefully out of shape and it is showing up in spades now. I have pains in areas I never felt pain in before- I am not currently aging gracefully I must say.
--- End quote ---
Oh man, I can relate. Some of it might be fit as well; that is, maybe some adjustments will improve the comfort. Sometimes even a small change can make a big difference in how it drags on you.
I have a hard time getting through the day in my 15th C. plate harness, but I've managed to make my 14th C. plate work reasonably well, and my mail harness isn't bad at all (unless I wear the chausses).
But yeah, age and fitness do factor in. I know there will come a day when I won't want to wear anything more than my aluminum. But that day is not today. ;)
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