Main > The Armoury

Last Resort

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Sir Edward:

Most of these are clicky for a larger view:

After reshaping:

Arms and legs:

Sir William:
Hey Al, I saw this on AA and completely a way you're re-opening and I'm sure I'm not alone in being glad to see it.  If you need them, I'll see if I can scare up some pics of me in your armor; I still need to take pics with the new stuff I got from you recently as well.

Allan Senefelder:

--- Quote --- I'll see if I can scare up some pics of me in your armor;
--- End quote ---


--- Quote ---Hey Al, I saw this on AA and completely a way you're re-opening and I'm sure I'm not alone in being glad to see it.
--- End quote ---

With still owing five folks ( James, Jean, Brett, Mike and CJ ) the remainder of their stuff I don't like the idea of appearing to be back in business. They're always in my mind. I'm not really " back in business " the forums have just died over the last three weeks and I can't afford that. I took a weeks work last month on a roofing crew just to deal with the increasing frequency of people bailing out on things they said they wanted after they were done since early spring. I had stocked up on extra steel and rivets to knock off the last of Mikes stuff and get some time on Bretts and Jims only to have to use it to build stuff that hasn't moved anyway. Hopefully this will fill the hole and allow me to get the last five taken care of ( I discovered that being self employed is not really all that attractive to potential employers over the last two years ).

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Allan Senefelder on 2013-09-11, 23:51:31 ---I will entertain building stuff from the other galleries if it save me the trouble of coming up with something to build to sell but that's as close as i'll get to taking orders and no money exchanges hands until the item is done.

--- End quote ---

That's what I thought, when I saw the "What I Can Make" labels. I'm glad to hear that! Owing me stuff or not, I'm glad you're still making armor - I know you're a man of your word and you'll make good on my order. No big deal.

Here's some pictures of me, and links to some pics I took of armor you made me, but not me wearing it. Could be useful for individual pieces, I guess? Feel free to use any or all of them.

Allan, I took a lot of those photos that James posted, feel free to use any of them for your site, and I will see if I can dig up some more of people or myself in your armor.


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