Main > The Round Table
Order of the Noble Heart
Sir Edward:
I spotted a thread about this on Chivalry-Now's forum. I'm curious, so I've signed up for the announcement mailing list. So far, all that's up is the "coming soon" page:
Yup, Yup, Yup....
Sir Edward:
Well, the site had a launch-date countdown to July 1st, which came and went. Now it's saying 364 days until July 1 next year. The copyright dates on the bottom of the page are 2005 and 2006, so this apparently has been going on for a while.
Oh well, I was curious to see what they had put together, and so far it's looking like the answer is nothing.
Sir Brian:
Bummer! That website has apparently gone the same route as the "Elric of Melnibone" movie. :(
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