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The Greatest Knight by Elizabeth Cahdwick and the descendants of William Marshal

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Hi all,

I was reading a description of this book on Amazon with a mind toward buying it on Kindle and I found this statement.

"The Greatness of William Marshal: The descendants of the Greatest Knight himself include George Washington and Winston Churchill, as well as the Stuart kings of England and Scotland. He was partly responsible for the Magna Carta. He vowed his body to the Templars and is buried in Temple Church in London."

Did anyone know that Washington and Churchill were among his descendants? Hero's of three different ages and all kin. WOW.


Sir Nate:
thats such a surprise, I wonder if they even knew of whom they descended from.

Sir James A:
I have that book, as does Sir William. However, he has read it, whilst I've not made it past the cover...

Sir William:
A most excellent read, keeping in mind it is historical fiction and not exactly names and events are largely taken from history, but all of the dialog and interactions between the characters are largely the result of the author's writing prowess, of which I must say is most prodigious.  She's one helluva a writer, and took what she wanted and made up the rest.



I will add it to the list.



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