Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Armor + Beach = sigh, I'm going to have to *really* clean the armor

<< < (3/4) > >>

Sir Douglas:
Niiiiiice! I've been excitedly awaiting these.

Isn't awesome how wearing armor instantly makes everything a lot more heroic? ;D

Sir Patrick:

Sir Brian:
Those pictures are truly epic! :)

Sir Edward:

My google-fu is weak today, so I can't find who originally said this, but I love this quote (paraphrased):

Even everyday mundane tasks such as scrubbing a toilet can seem heroic if set to the theme music of Conan the Barbarian. :)

I think the same can be said of using swords and armor. :)

Sir James A:
Thanks everyone!

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2013-09-15, 23:17:09 ---Hah! Oh my, I think we can probably meme up a few of those. :)

--- End quote ---

Meme away :)


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