Main > The Armoury
Teutonic great with wings?
Sir Martyn:
Looks great, Douglas. Nicely done.
I don't think that helmet wings would work out too well in a battle. They look awesome though!
Frater de Beaumanoir:
Whew! It's been some time since I was here. I'd love to revive this topic for a moment with some research I've been doing on this particular subject. I'm not saying it's "fact", but in the court room of plausibility, it leaves some room open for possibilities. I'll leave the rest to this group's learned judgement. Dv!
Frater de Beaumanoir:
Sadly my PDF file was too large for an upload, but I found a way to share it here:
Sir Rodney:
--- Quote from: Frater de Beaumanoir on 2017-02-27, 12:06:53 ---Sadly my PDF file was too large for an upload, but I found a way to share it here:
--- End quote ---
Welcome back! Are you the author of the piece? That was a fun evening read! :)
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