Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
I have a medieval riddle
Sir Nate:
I take the past, you always remember me, you cannot stop me, for I exist not, the more you age the more I grow, yet you always remember who I am.
What am I?
--- Quote from: Sir Nate on 2013-08-22, 01:08:52 ---I am Green as grass in summer, Red as roses in Fall, dead on the ground in winter, yet reborn again in spring.
What am I?
This is an easy one.
--- End quote ---
Sir Nate:
close. it was leaves.
Lord Dane:
--- Quote from: Sir Nate on 2013-08-22, 01:14:58 ---I am cold as the grave, As feared as the plague, I reap the dreams of soldiers, and am the bane of all men.
Who am I?
--- End quote ---
The ex-wife.
I am cold as the grave, As feared as the plague, I reap the dreams of soldiers, and am the bane of all men.
Who am I?
Well it's not death, because it's neither the bane of all men nor reaps the dreams of soldiers. So "cruelty"?
I take the past, you always remember me, you cannot stop me, for I exist not, the more you age the more I grow, yet you always remember who I am.
What am I?
Regret or Forgetfulness.
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