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Fencing and why I recomend it.

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Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2013-08-21, 18:13:32 ---Timing and measure may be important skills that do translate, but the goals and intent of the two activities are so different than they may be very hard to get over.  This is why I always frown when I hear about SCA  heavy trying to carry over to HEMA/WMA.  It's two different activities, with similar themes, but they are too different to translate properly.

--- End quote ---

Yeah, when I started doing Longsword, I had to unlearn some of my Foil fencing to get it right. Sport fencing does teach you a lot about footwork, measure, timing, etc. But since it's all thrust-oriented, entirely right-foot forward, asymmetrical, etc, there's a lot you need to do differently in a sword-based martial art. It took about a year to switch things around in my head. But having done that, it's now a lot easier to transition between weapons.

The more difficult transition I think is if you do theatrical/choreographed combat, versus a martial art or fencing. Switching from NOT hitting the other person, to hitting them, or vice-versa, is a real brain-twister. I took a small theatrical swordplay class once, and it was really hard not to hit the other person, because I had previously trained to specifically get around their parries and hit them.

Sir Nate:
saber is mostly slicing. i guess i should take saber, I just don't have the money to do memag yet.

Coming from the "No Income" corner is Sir Nathan, with the recommendation that you don't blow your money on something that's just going to teach you bad habits. Honestly, a good MMA group will prepare you better, for less I would imagine.

anyway, I would recommend putting your money towards a good training tool, and doing solo drills. That's the majority of my practice, and I am able to compete on a good day with the guys who have the luxury of classes and instruction.

B. Patricius:
Coming in as backup in the "no income" corner, is B. Patricus! :D

Sir Nate.  I'm going to toot my own horn here like Thorsteinn did, and ask if you would check out  It may be right up your alley.

take me for example.  I have little experience with sword and shield although I am very good with saber, cutlass, rapier, smallsword, backsword, broadsword, and espada ropera.  Luckily that does translate to about "meh 30%" of what I need for sword and shield lol.  My footwork is literally backwards. I met a man, who in his spare time, loves to teach.  He's a third level Knight, which is the highest and there's only 32 total in the entire national group.  He has over 40 years experience.  I would easily pay hundreds of dollars a month to work with this man an hour or two a week!  And I have quite a bit of formal training in a lot of WMA and Japanese and Chinese.

Instead, I work with him at least 6 hours, at least once a week! The time I've spent with him is priceless.  It's funny because he laughs and says that's why he doesn't charge. 

basically there are groups out there that have knowledgeable people in traditional western martial arts, and the funny thing is, most are clubs, or medieval reenactment groups.  and most cost little to no "membership" money.  Yeah, the armor is definitely there.  But that's why we're here anyways right? ;)


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