Main > The Armoury

Things I still need.

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Sir William:
I used to use just a linen shirt as an arming garment; thing with that is you need multiple layers otherwise the imprint of the rings on flesh is what you get.  Not a big deal if you're just wearing it but taking a hit isn't something you'd want to indulge in much.  Just my experience, ymmv.

At least he addressed his post to the right person this time.   8)

Lord Dane:
Surcoats sorry. She does very nice custom tunics as well. No gambesons.

Sir Nate:
Im also need good boots. what would you guys recomend. shoes, boots? weres a good website? were can I get stirrups?

Viking Leathercrafts is kind of the go-to store for boots or shoes.  They're broken out by century:

Did you mean to say spurs instead of stirrups?  If you meant spurs, historical spurs can be purchased from Raymond's Quiet Press:

Sir Nate:
thanks for the links. I like the 13th century shoes on the site, plus they are more in the price range.


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