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Sir Nate:
Hello I am Sir Nate, I hail from the suburbs of philadelphia, and recently when I was at the pennsylvania ren. faire I was told I have a good knight kit, and was informed of your website and group. I would commend the man who informed me but his name I have forgotten. I am Glad to join you.
My kit is that of a Templar knight, which consists of sugar loaf helm, half sleeve mail hauberk, mail gloves with plates and leather, steel shinguards, and a Surcoat with a cross over the heart. my sword is labeled the warspike, a battle ready blade of 1094 carbon steel.
I stand for chivalry and have done my best to be a knight since I was a boy. Ive read what your group try's to do at faires, Ive helped people with there renfaire experience, and taken photos with many. I do answers questions when they are asked and enjoy doing it.
I stand for chivalry that once was and try to make it feel alive again.

Sir Brian:
Hail and well met Sir Nate! Welcome to the forum and I hope you find us all both helpful and cordial. :)

Sir Edward:

Welcome to the forum! I'm sure you'll find the group here to be friendly and easy going. :)

Sir Patrick:
Hail and well met!  It's good to see another kindred spirit find his way here.

Sir James A:
Hail and welcome!


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