Main > The Great Hall

Well met, Sir Knights

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Sir Douglas:
Thanks all for the welcome! :)

I'll be heading back to PARF sometime in September. The seventh and eighth, I believe. That one has to be my favorite of the little circuit of RenFaires that I try to hit each year.

Sir Edward:

Have you ever made it down to the MD renfaire? It's one of the largest in the region, and is the one I go to the most.

Sir Douglas:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2013-08-15, 00:19:46 ---
Have you ever made it down to the MD renfaire? It's one of the largest in the region, and is the one I go to the most.

--- End quote ---

I haven't yet. Where is it located?

Sir Wolf:
crownsville, maryland

Lord Dane:
It is easy to find. Just follow the aggravating trek of traffic through the Beltway until you reach a lone cow pasture that leads to a gate of hypocritical renny henchmen that disarm every knight of their swords for entry. And you found it.


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