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NY ren faire
Sir Ulrich:
So I went to NY ren faire today to meet up with a friend who I invited here, I now am using my new kit and this was the first time I have been in full armor for a WHILE. My newly tailored maille looks so much better with my kit. Didnt wear my maille chausses cause it was muddy and I didnt want them to rust and get dirty so I just wore my greaves instead which, yes they got rusty even with the layer of oil on them. Oddly my hauberk did NOT rust at all despite the slight drizzle, my helmet has a few water stains on it hopefully I can ask Jeffery how to clean it. Some people were rather rude to me though saying they wanted to slam me in the head, I simply acted stoic and act like I don't see the point of their BS when they do that stuff. A little red haired girl did approach me though and said she liked my armor and whatnot, second time thats happened actually, first time it happened was at DoK, guess us redheads subconsciously know our own kind. My friend let me borrow his Del Tin 2 handed sword which actually went well with my kit, I was originally gonna go with my mace and shield but the del tin was too nice not to use.
Here are some pics of me and my friend with mine and his kits. He is a Rus viking and I am a late 13th early 14th century heraldic knight.
The surcoat really looks great. It pulls the whole kit together. The shynbalds also look really nice with that kit. Well done, can't wait to see it in person!
Sir Wolf:
wow awesome man, very very cool.
Sir Brian:
Wow! Your kit has really come together! Well done indeed! :)
Lord Dane:
Dude. I am just leaving NYRF as I type this. Sorry I missed you. Kit looks outstanding.
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