Main > The Armoury

Used Albion for sale on ebay

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Sir William:
If I could afford to do that, I wouldn't be letting it go- but thank you for the understanding.

Sir Douglas:
Sorry to hear about your run of bad luck. I too will respect your wishes and leave it be, but I hope everything works out for you. :)

Sir Wolf:
man that stinks

Sir Edward:
As an aside, the Albion Crecy currently goes for $880 new (but would be $910 plus shipping with a blue grip):

Sir William's price includes a custom scabbard from DBK, so it's a reasonable price for what you get. But unfortunately I suspect it'll be hard to get a buyer, since it seems the second-hand market often requires either an aggressively competitive price, or a long period of time for the right buyer to come a long. Sometimes listings on sites like MyArmoury have to trickle down the price over a period of time before someone bites. It's just how the market is these days unfortunately. The recession slowed down the secondary market for expensive swords.

But DBK does wonderful work on those scabbards. Whoever picks this up will have a really nice collectible.

Sir Patrick:
My sympathies, Sir William. She's a beauty.


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