Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

lucky friend

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Sir Vander Linde:
My sparing partner Tom, got well painted/drawn I'm not sure exactly what to call it. well better explain cause I'm confusing my self, after a steel sparing match a guy took his picture while put away some of the equipment, tom is very photogenic, where I always look like I'm doing something stupid. anyway the guy that took the picture was Thomas Buchanan the founder/author of a pictorial arts journal, well it is called  "Pictorial Arts Journal" anyway his image is being published in the next or is it first issue of the journal, the portrait is really, really good. so I just thought I'd share the awesomeness.


That's a pretty epic piece of artwork to have, that's badass.

Sir Edward:

Wow, very nicely done!

Sir William:
Very cool; love the painted portrait look.

Lord Dane:
Very epic, LOTR looking.


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