Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
The game stronghold was supposed to be?
and when you're taking breaks between Mass Effect sessions you can build a castle in Citadels... see, it all works out perfectly!
Sir Wolf:
lol. gaming computer is in the basement. not the laptop thats upstairs with the family lol
Sir James A:
--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2013-07-26, 19:32:43 ---lol. gaming computer is in the basement. not the laptop thats upstairs with the family lol
--- End quote ---
Irrelevant! Install games on both. Steam lets you do that. ;)
Total Biscuit did a WTF on Citadels... sounds like it should probably be skipped... oh well! haha... the video's worth watching, I've haven't seen TB hate a game so much recently!
Sir Edward:
Wow, he really ripped it apart. And then it crashed on him, almost on cue to end the video. Nice.
I'm glad I didn't buy it. I was tempted to, so I'm glad you posted that! :)
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