Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
The game stronghold was supposed to be?
I know, just what we need, another game... but at least check it out.
Citadels might be the game that the abomination Stronghold 3 was supposed to be.
Sir Edward:
Dang it, another one to spend money on with the summer sale? :)
Huh, I wonder. Yeah, I was very disappointed with SH3. I loved the first two, and then I got the third, and stopped playing after the first or second mission. Sad. It completely lacked the fluidity and charm of the other two, and was buggy as hell. Heck, if you placed two buildings with stone construction, and later wanted to connect them with castle wall, you might not be able to just because they're a millimeter too close together. Stupid.
If Citadels is better, I might give it a shot.
Sir James A:
That one looks interesting! Similar to Age of Empires, which I loved as a kid.
Sir Wolf:
I AM PLAYING MASS EFFECT AND THE MASS EFFECT 2. please no more games or i could get killed
Sir Edward:
--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2013-07-26, 16:28:50 ---I AM PLAYING MASS EFFECT AND THE MASS EFFECT 2. please no more games or i could get killed
--- End quote ---
... And then Mass Effect 3. You'll NEED to finish the story. :)
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