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In need of new material


Hello Everyone,

I am in the need of new media. I have not ran across a good movie in a long time and i figured I'd ask you all for some of your favorites. If you can post at least your top three so i can obtain a nice long, "to watch," list.

Rome, Leverage, Doctor Who, Redbelt.

This clip:

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: RackThor on 2013-07-25, 23:47:00 ---Hello Everyone,

I am in the need of new media. I have not ran across a good movie in a long time and i figured I'd ask you all for some of your favorites. If you can post at least your top three so i can obtain a nice long, "to watch," list.

--- End quote ---

We have a couple threads full of great movies:,1456.0.html,2477.0.html

My top 3:

A Knight's Tale
Black Knight

Thank you guys, Many of them were amazing!


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