Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

anything else?

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Sir Wolf:
so when not a knight, is there anything else you guys like to do? any cool hobbies, past times, etc?

Sir James A:
I play video games where the main character is a knight :D

Sir William:
I'm a gamerhead, so I spend a lot of time doing that.  I've been on a completion bent of late...running thru AC2 now- realized I'd never played it on the 360 like the rest of the ACs so, what the hell, right?  Its the only set of games that I don't feel wrong hunting Templars.  Usually, I'm the knight.  Touche Sir James!   ;)

Also an avid reader- been scarfing down a lot of medieval fiction of late; I like to cook as well - none of these are things you'd call "cool" but they do give me pleasure.  I also like horseback riding, when I can get up on one and enjoy it- I don't consider that part of my 'knightly routine' since I haven't learned to joust, just the simple pleasure of a trailride.

I also work on cars, albeit a lot less than I used to- now its just general maintenance as opposed to aftermarket tuning or cosmetic upgrades.  I do more stuff, just nothing that comes to mind right now.  LOL

Love RPG's, books, and food. So want to get back to that after I move (then move again) and get good cash flow.

My other hobbies are computers (gaming and building them), photography, I've played guitar for about the last 15 years (favorites to play are anything be zeppelin, sabbath, other classic rock, and more modern metal), and of course rotary wing aviation!  I guess I like fixed wing aviation too, but that's for the less skilled aviators out there :)  Star Wars, other sci-fi of course, reading... most nerdy endeavors.  Sitting on aircraft carriers for extended periods of time being bored to death (yes I'm on duty again right now)

Sir William, there's a new novel out there called Shield of Honor written by a guy who posts on MyArmoury.  You might be interested.  I'm about half-way through.  It's about a knight set to the backdrop of the Agincourt campaign.


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