Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

STEAM Summer Sale, medieval/pseudo-medieval-fantasy titles

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--- Quote from: DouglasTheYounger on 2013-11-10, 20:13:55 ---
--- Quote from: Belemrys on 2013-11-10, 16:22:24 ---Anyone play mb warband? I got it I steam and plugged myself into the competitive scene...it is really fun and challenging!

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--- End quote ---

Indeed. :D I don't play much online...never really was good at any kind of online multiplayer, but according to Steam, I've logged about 188 hours in the single-player game. For me, that's a lot. I've really been getting into the A.D. 1257 mod lately.

--- End quote ---

looking forward to Bannerlord

Don Jorge:
Ditto!!!! I haven't done single player yet

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Sir Edward:

I still haven't really done much in M&B since it was in development. I played it quite a bit during it's development-launch. I really should play the post-launch versions. :)


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