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Sir Martyn:
A few pics from July's Drachenfest near Hannover, Germany to illustrate to adventure.

Don't feel bad about long absences.  We understand that life gets the better of us sometimes!  The doors are always open at our little Inn no matter how long you're gone.  Those are some great photos by the way!  You're harness is really sharp!

Sir Edward:

Hey great! Glad things are getting settled in the new place to some degree. Yes, I should be there at MDRF this coming weekend. I don't know if I'll be in harness or not, it depends a lot on the weather.

Lord Dane:
I did not see the details in your harness up close before. VERY NICE!!! Love the brass adornments.

Sir James A:
Agreed, very nice harness! I hope to me at MDRF the following weekend (not this coming), which would be closing weekend. Sunday is the day to make, if you can.


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