Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

a thanksgiving treat

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Sir Rodney:
Nice trophy!   :)

Maybe you want to consider combining two of your interests.

--- Quote ---St. Hubert's Rangers is an international, online brotherhood of individuals who are interested in the anachronism of medieval hunters.
--- End quote ---
St. Hubert's Rangers are the real deal.  They hunt using medieval weapons in medieval clothing!

Sir Wolf:
ya i've known about them for a while. my bow isn't strong enough for deer. that is a cool idea though. hehehe hart hunting ;) but we can't use dogs in wv ehhehe

BOAR, sweet. James Barker has been once in Viking gear but i haven't

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2011-04-20, 22:52:52 ---ya i've known about them for a while. my bow isn't strong enough for deer. that is a cool idea though. hehehe hart hunting ;) but we can't use dogs in wv ehhehe

BOAR, sweet. James Barker has been once in Viking gear but i haven't

--- End quote ---

Sounds like a reason to get another bow. ;)

Boar hunting with spears & maille just sounds like too much fun & I want to do it someday.

Sir William:
If I went hunting medieval style, it'd be with a boar spear and a hunting sword!  Like a buck would ever let me get close enough!  lol


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