Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Mass Effect trilogy
Sir Wolf:
i'll look for you when i get home if i can get on to play.
Sir Edward:
--- Quote from: Ian on 2013-07-23, 15:48:27 ---neosonic04 on steam. I sent Sir Ed a friend request like a week ago, but apparently I'm not cool enough :)
--- End quote ---
If it doesn't pop up, then I don't know about it. :)
EDIT: Looking now, I don't see it.
In my friend's requests sent it has 'invitation sent to ZenBones' and you're avatar is a pic of you in your armor, so I'm assuming I got the correct profile. My avatar is my CoA.
Sir Edward:
Yep, found it. I think we're good.
Sir Wolf:
WELL OK.... oops caps
it won't let me load my me1 character. says i need some sorta utility tool... but where do i get that?
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