Main > The Armoury

New Schynbalds

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Sir William:
Very nice pick up, Ulrich.  Having had a few pairs pass thru my hands I can honestly say they are the best off the rack option I've had thus far.  Looks good on you, man.  Love the fluted knee cops- its a great look.

Sir Ulrich:

Heres a depiction of lace in the back chausses being used with schynbalds and knee cops just like what I am doing. Rather happy I found it cause now I KNOW it was used historically.

Do you have the date on that image?  I'm glad you found what you were looking for though.  It's always a relief to find something that confirms what you want to do is actually period.

Sir James A:
That's an interesting image, both for the chausses/schynbalds, and also the knee cops come to points instead of a squared-off sides.

Now I'm wondering if that's in other artwork that I've missed....

Lord Dane:
You shall be a medieval historian yet Sir Ulrich. Nice work!!


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