Main > The Armoury

New Schynbalds

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I posted this to the DoK facebook as well, but here's the source of your image Sir Ulrich.

It's from The Trinity Apocalypse, Cambridge, Trinity College Library, MS R.16.2, ca 1250, folio 23r

You can skip to Folio 023R to get to your image:  (I recommend the full page view, it's quite awesome)

It's also worth noting that that armor configuration is depicted on a king, not just some random man-at-arms.

Sir Ulrich:
Thats 1250? Seriously? I thought it was later or so. Guess schynbalds have an earlier date, but maybe only nobles could afford them, surely by 1300 normal people could afford them. I do know they had early coat of plates back in the 1250s but they were typically not overlapping and were worn under the maille due to the gaps. No surviving examples I think made it though and we'll never know how common they were.


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