Main > The Armoury

New maille type on the market

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Sir William:
That's disappointing...its gotten to the point that I don't bother posting on there.  They're so quick to shoot down something that doesn't fall directly in line with their established thought, right or wrong.

Oh I didn't even realize until I re-read your comments that it got super MyArmoury moderated.  Those guys are out of control.  Way to stifle a new potential product....

For those that didn't see the thread, and since all the pertinent posts have been MyArmouryed (yes, that's a verb now), basically Shawn went on there to let people know about this new maille product being worked on.  The manufacturer of the new style of maille also came on there to talk about it.  Then Dan Howard, God's gift to the knowledge of all things maille comes on and basically says it's the same Indian crap that's been out there forever, and it's basically worthless, and then attacks the manufacturer because the name of his store is 'Roman Handicrafts' and starts talking about how inaccurate all of his stuff is with respect to surviving roman lorica hamata etc... 

At that point I posted and just said something to the effect of "Any improvement on the current product is good in my book!  We should be encouraging change in the marketplace and this is a total step in the right direction, let's keep the criticism constructive"  At that point a couple others chimed in, and it seemed like the thread was changing course and actually becoming encouraging, then MyA moderators got involved and removed everything, gutted the thread, and killed it... and with it, probably some of the confidence of the manufacturer who was putting his new product out there, and received a bunch of hot air instead of constructive criticism.

The experience re-affirmed to me why I no longer donate to  It's such a shame,  because it's got some of the absolute best information available on the web, some of the best discussion, but some people on there just have to be the 'authority' on certain topics and blast anyone who doesn't agree....

Get the dude to hit up the Armour Archive?

Sir Ulrich:
Yeah I saw that Ian, just annoys me how so many people are SOOO hard to satisfy, modern plate isnt even 100% accurate as the metals used are not forged with charcoal and are the same thickness everywhere, how anal are they about it seriously. At least this new maille has the right overlap and ring shape which is good enough for me.
 He emailed Erik D Schmid about his maille and whatnot, not sure how they're gonna respond but he did message KOA about selling his stuff which is a good thing. So if KOA stocks it I may get a hauberk of it.

I would be interested in a haubergeon.  I've been looking to replace mine with wedge-riveted instead of the pin-riveted maille I have.  After I got my wedge-riveted aventail I realized how much nicer it is than the pin-riveted stuff.  It just glides on clothing and skin instead of catching every little thread.


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