Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
AC/DC's "Thunderstruck" with flaming bagpipes
Sir James A:
Just one slight notch below Ironman in AC/DC epic-ness.
B. Patricius:
now that was awesome!
reminds me of the first time I saw Tartanic at the Los Angeles RenFaire. All of a sudden, "wow, so this is wut Graanny wus dalking abut." :D never understood the beauty of bagpipes, even when I saw Notre Dame's corps before football games. Now I get it. There's something special about what emotions can come out of that instrument.
either that, or my Granny's side is starting to show itself again! :D
Flaming bagpipes are pretty darn awesome!
Sir Edward:
--- Quote from: Ian on 2013-06-29, 01:01:55 ---Flaming bagpipes are pretty darn awesome!
--- End quote ---
QFT. :)
For additional awesomeness & because Portland is still one of my favorite cities, even if I can't live there anymore.
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