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Longsword used in West Crown Finals for June '13.

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Count Sir Marc de Arundel vs Viscount Sir Miles Fitz-Rauf.

It has been suggested that Sir Miles should now invest in a Titan Alloy cup.

Grand Master Garland:
Count Sir Marc looks like he knows his way around that longsword.  Do you have an opinion on a practical short sword for concealed permit carry? 8)

Every good Roman knows a gladius is what you need for late night creeping about. ;)

That sword of Marc's is light, maneuverable, & hits hard. He's the author of & this is the 3rd royal tourney he's won with it.

Grand Master Garland:
That's a great site by Count Sir Mark, Thorsteinn.  Do you, or anyone else, know of a short sword or gladius fighter champion who has similar information on-line? 8)

Sir William:

--- Quote from: Grand Master Garland on 2013-06-25, 14:13:51 ---Count Sir Marc looks like he knows his way around that longsword.  Do you have an opinion on a practical short sword for concealed permit carry? 8)

--- End quote ---

They issue those for edged weapons?  What state are you in, Master Garland? 

Color me surprised...most states I've either lived in or been to seem to discourage the carrying of edged weapons en total.  Even here in MD your blade has to be 2" in length or less in order to be 'allowed' to carry it.


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