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Identify this sword

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Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2013-06-23, 18:55:00 ---Maker's mark was the big identifier, based on the pictures. Based on the file name, they are all "Crecy" too. ;)

Is that a new acquisition of yours?

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Wanted opinion of you fellow Albion lovers before obtaining. Made a bid for it. Some things I was not familiar with being the markings & hilt varied from current Albion Crecy design. Worth buying you think?

I just looked it up on ebay.  It's currently at $430... that's probably about the limit of what it's worth.  It comes with a wood-core scabbard, so with that in the price I'd say it's fair.  Anything beyond that though and I would steer well clear.  When people refer to the quality and all that's implied by the name Albion, they're not referring to first gens.  The First Gen lines are good swords, but the current Albion production swords are a world above, and you can get Next Gen used Albions for not much more than what this sword is being sold for.  The scabbard is all that's making it a good deal for now.

Lord Dane:
Thanks for input. :) I'll hold out & get the one I really want to spend money on.

If you're willing to spend a good chunk of change on a sword, get the one you really want :)  Settling on a sword leads to buyer's remorse, and you're gonna end up buying the one you really want later anyway... so save yourself the heartache ;)

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2013-06-23, 19:55:57 ---If you're willing to spend a good chunk of change on a sword, get the one you really want :)  Settling on a sword leads to buyer's remorse, and you're gonna end up buying the one you really want later anyway... so save yourself the heartache ;)

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Bolding mine ... I'm not sure this is really a bad thing ;)

Let's spend your money Lord Dane! Buy the one off eBay so you have an Albion *now*, and put a downpayment on one through Albion for the one you *really* want; it's going to be 6 months or more before you get the one you order anyway, might as well have some instant gratification. :D


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