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A new member's kit

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Sir Wolf:
looks killer man! any chance in the future i could get more shots of that helmet? lol

Thanks for the words of encouragement :)
Sir Ulrich, the mail is what I would call semi-tailored. The sleeves are a much closer fit than most of the made-in-India stuff is off the shelf, so they don't slide up and down my arms while fighting. When I'm in my gambeson, it fits perfect. I do have chausses but they need some fitting and strapping before they'll be really wearable. They're my next project, along with a sword belt.

Patricius, my underkit currently consists of one-piece black leggings when off the field and standard-width drawstring trousers when on the field under armor because they are heavier duty and the knees of our garb tend to take a lot of abuse in game. I have a gambeson but I generally don't wear it while fighting because I find it unnecessary weight/heat for boffer combat. When I go to faires I'll definitely be going full kit. For hands I'm probably going to make some leather chopper-style mittens for now, to eventually be covered in maille. The helmet may be a bit gaudy for the order, but I figure if it's going to have adornments, it might as well be a cross ;) I also have a simpler spangenhelm I wear when I want to have more air/vision. This is an earlier version of my kit:

Sir Edward:

Looks great! That's one of the things I like about the 12th/13th, is that it's relatively easy to get the right look. Mail, helmet, surcoat, and you're golden. :)

Sir Wolf:

oh and its nice to see the black represented. to many Teutonics around here lol

Lord Dane:
Agreed. Nice kit. I tend to transition between 1187 Crusader to the mid 1400's depending on my kit & persona. My event & faire season location dictate who I become. We can always use more Hospitalliers. We have only one other on the forum to date. Most others are Templar or Teutonic. I'm SCA myself but know some Dagorhir guys.  :) Not much of an LARPer as I like the feel of combat so it's real steel or rattan for me.

You need a cloak to really complete the Hospitallier look though.


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