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Elder Scrolls Online, beta sign-up

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Sir Aiden, you mentioned GW2.  I had wayyyyy more fun in GW2 than I'm having in ESO. 

You also asked about group vs solo.  The problem with ESO is there's no reason to join up with other people or even acknowledge that there's other players, other than getting annoyed when you're all doing the same quest and it's totally ruining your immersion.  The on-the-fly group questing and dynamic events of GW2 were a LOT more engaging and encouraging of group play than anything I've encountered in ESO. 

I'll still probably play at release, just because it says Elder Scrolls in the title, but I'm definitely underwhelmed.  GW2 felt cool, fresh and inventive.  ESO feels stale and clunky.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2014-02-08, 19:50:18 ---Sir Aiden, you mentioned GW2.  I had wayyyyy more fun in GW2 than I'm having in ESO. 

You also asked about group vs solo.  The problem with ESO is there's no reason to join up with other people or even acknowledge that there's other players, other than getting annoyed when you're all doing the same quest and it's totally ruining your immersion.  The on-the-fly group questing and dynamic events of GW2 were a LOT more engaging and encouraging of group play than anything I've encountered in ESO. 

I'll still probably play at release, just because it says Elder Scrolls in the title, but I'm definitely underwhelmed.  GW2 felt cool, fresh and inventive.  ESO feels stale and clunky.

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Agreed. GW2 was one of the first MMOs to truly address a lot of the problems that plague typical MMOs. While not perfect, it had some creative and unique solutions, and the dynamic grouping by location was fluid and easy to work with. I had a lot of fun with that one. I need to go back in at some point. I hit the level cap and then stopped.

Aiden of Oreland:
ESO like GW2 has the feature where two players can combine moves together. Say a rogue throws oil on the ground a mage can light it on fire. Or say like in most ES games if you start attacking a bandit and the other bandits in the area are in view they will come to the aid of their comrads. Unlike in WoW when you attack an enemy the sureounding enemies don't do anything. I agree I found GW2 really fun. But at level 23 I stopped playing because I was busy with school and forgot about it. But when I got back on I found it incredibly boring because I was to weak to do any of the quests and I had already completed all of the quests I could do. Also my bro moved out wih the computer lol. Speaking of group quests or the "any one can part take" quest like the ones that pop up in GW2. DESTINY!!! That open world shooter has those.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Aiden on 2014-02-08, 21:40:35 ---I agree I found GW2 really fun. But at level 23 I stopped playing because I was busy with school and forgot about it. But when I got back on I found it incredibly boring because I was to weak to do any of the quests and I had already completed all of the quests I could do.

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The good thing about GW2 is that it scales your level to content around you (if you outlevel it), which means you can go to another lower-level area and quest there for a while (like one of the other starting zones), and you'll still gain experience.

Aiden of Oreland:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2014-02-09, 02:29:27 ---
--- Quote from: Sir Aiden on 2014-02-08, 21:40:35 ---I agree I found GW2 really fun. But at level 23 I stopped playing because I was busy with school and forgot about it. But when I got back on I found it incredibly boring because I was to weak to do any of the quests and I had already completed all of the quests I could do.

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The good thing about GW2 is that it scales your level to content around you (if you outlevel it), which means you can go to another lower-level area and quest there for a while (like one of the other starting zones), and you'll still gain experience.

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Now you tell me! I would have done that before my brother moved out with it :(


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