Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Elder Scrolls Online, beta sign-up

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I patched ESO yesterday, logged in, saw the clunky dated look of the game again, lost all desire to play and logged out.

Combat is just so boring compared to oblivion and skyrim. It graphically looks worse than both, it runs worse than both. I guess I just really wanted an elder scrolls game as good as skyrim and oblivion with a touch of online features and felt like I got the same old mmo with a tiny bit of an elder scrolls theme and no ingenuity. The more I think about it, the more I'd rather just have a new elder scrolls game than another crappy mmo.

I love elder scrolls, but ESO is not it.

Sir Edward:
Yeah, the more I think about it, something really feels "missing". I don't hate it, it would be fun for a little while... and yet. Usually I'm dying to get my hands on a new MMO, and I will get sucked in hard, and play as much as I can for the first week or two. After playing last night, it was like "OK, that was cool. Now what."

The thing I have to remind myself, is that I'm sometimes slow to get into RPGs in general. I had to just get through the first couple of hours in the Dragon Age games as well, and then I was hooked. I don't get hooked easily when I have no equipment and only one attack.

They've done some interesting things in ESO. I like the first person perspective, and the fact that they only bring up HUD elements when they're needed, to aid in immersion. But something is still missing.

EDIT: I thought the graphics looked OK for an MMO (they're always going to be slightly behind the curve compared to single player games). Which aspect felt dated? The interface design?

Something I'm hating though are the stupidly long login/loading times. They'll have to fix that, or it will kill their game. This is of course a stress-test weekend, but even at 9am it's spinning for minutes at a time?

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2014-02-08, 14:08:26 ---Something I'm hating though are the stupidly long login/loading times. They'll have to fix that, or it will kill their game. This is of course a stress-test weekend, but even at 9am it's spinning for minutes at a time?

--- End quote ---

Case in point:  I finally got logged in, after it was "logging in" for about 10 minutes or so.

Aiden of Oreland:
Have you guys been playing solo or with groups. Cuz this game is more of a group effort. Plus i think after playing Skyrim where you start off fleeing from a dragon and slaying dragons this game might feel slow. I think regardless of the game play I may just play it just because. But so far this game sounds like Guild Wars 2 to me. At first i found it like "ok" but then it just got really slow because I felt like the quests were getting harder and I wasnt finding enough quests for my level. This game might be slow because the beginning gets you to the actual "main quest". Unlike in skyrim and oblivion the main quest starts when you start the game. Idk thats what it sounds like to me so far. I'll have to play the game first. And if Im correct its provably really slow to log on due to the faxt that its a "mega world". No servers just one world.

Sir Edward:

Yeah, I wish they had a stronger "hook" at the beginning of the game. They're taking the typical MMO approach of giving you so little to work with at the beginning, that they're assuming that you're completely new to this sort of game. I don't find it fun having only one attack at first. Once you get past that, it starts to get better.

I'm starting to see some of the light-hearted and fun writing style in the Khajiit area.

I'm still on the fence as to whether it will hold my attention, but I'm tempted to buy it anyway and give it a chance at launch.


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