Main > The Great Hall

Being gone...

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Lord Chagatai:
Just want to say sorry for being gone for a bit but life is kicking me in the A...I am still here and wanting to be part of the order...


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We know how you feel, Murchadh. I always say being too busy is better than being dead.... I see you have the Tapatalk app. That's the only way I can keep in touch most days. Only home for a couple hours a day. Be safe and God bless.

Sir James A:
No problem. Everyone is free to contribute as much or as little as they want. Hope all is well.

Life can indeed be busy....but we do what we can  :)

B. Patricius:

--- Quote from: Corvus on 2013-05-30, 23:21:03 ---Life can indeed be busy....but we do what we can  :)

--- End quote ---

Real life always has a funny way of getting in the way sometimes! :D Only reason my posts are so high is because I'm home four days a week!  We're looking forward to more contributions from you, when you can.  The number of posts doesn't mean anything, it's the quality within them that counts.


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