Main > The Armoury

New Great Helm

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Sir Wolf:
wow i like that a lot!!!

Lord Dane:
Really nice looking Great Helmet. ;) Don't let it go to your head!! LOL  :P I kill me.

Sir James A:
Very nice! I liked it on FB too.

Don't worry about the up and down vision. I think that's common with almost any closed-face helmet.

What do the ties do?

Sir Ulrich:
The ties are there for the liner, I think I might take them out and tie them on the inside so they don't show as much. One of them did break for like no reason, I did message him about it and he said he will send a few spare ones so I can replace easily. Rather helpful honestly, I really like this helm, it's so sleek looking and from the front almost ominous looking, rather intimidating too.

Sir James A:
Ah, liner, gotcha. The antiquing turned out cool too.


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