Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

weird smileys n stuff

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Sir Wolf:
checking the board from my moms laptop. all the smileys are off. they are like dubbed over by other images. the  :) is a pic of the red square with the equal sign.  ;) is a small pic of joe metz in armour.  ;D is the batman baby  :-X is XT
and all along the home/help/search/profile menu bar is some lil image of 2 ppl i cant see who it is. is ti jsut some sorta weird stuck from facebook to here?

Sir Edward:

That's strange. Never heard of that happening. The smileys are images, so I'm not sure what could cause that. What I'd do is clear the cache in your web browser. I suspect the cached copies are corrupted.

Sir Wolf:
and i do that how again? its been so long i forgot

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2013-05-20, 13:15:56 ---and i do that how again? its been so long i forgot

--- End quote ---

Depends on the web browser. Which one are you using?

In Firefox, you go to the orange "Firefox" button, select "options", go to the "advanced" tab, and roughly in the middle there's a "clear now" button.

Sir James A:
Menu > Internet > Goat Pranks > Disable


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