Main > The Armoury

WTS 14 century segmented BP

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Sir Wolf:
100 plus shipping

B. Patricius:
that's pretty sweet! hmm, I may have to jump on that, but I'm looking more for a corazzina atm.  I need to take a break from my business, I see "bp" and I immediately start thinking "how do you 'segmen' black powder?! is it a hybrid smokeless/BP blend?"  ... yeah, I need help

thanks for the head's up on this Sir Wolf

Sir William:
Saw that; but i just picked up a coat of plates not too long ago, not to mention a number of plate bits that Allan was so good to make for me...otherwise I might've picked it up just for the hell of it.

Sir Wolf:
pics or ban!

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2013-05-20, 20:52:23 ---Saw that; but i just picked up a coat of plates not too long ago, not to mention a number of plate bits that Allan was so good to make for me...otherwise I might've picked it up just for the hell of it.

--- End quote ---

New armor, and you didn't post pics?

Need I say it?


Pics or ban!


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