Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
DynDNS "is-a-knight.org" domain
Sir Edward:
Heh, with a subscription to DynDNS.org, one of the domains they let you create hostnames in is "is-a-knight.org". It has the option of doing web redirects, including iframes to hide the actual URL.
To toy with it a bit, I created one that points to my personal website:
It works. :)
Sir William:
Wow, that's cool- like the new surcoat too.
Sir Wolf:
What's New?
July 2, 2011
:o :o :o :o :o :o
Sir Edward:
What, you expect me to keep things up to date? Bah! :)
Actually the "blog" link has the newer entries... up to October 2012. :)
Sir James A:
Ha, that's great. I have an account there since I missed the 7 day cancellation and only needed the 1 URL, but that might be worth keeping around. Nice find.
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