Main > The Campaign

Renfaire weekends, 2013

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Sir Martyn:
Well I hope to see as many as can be there on the 6th and will do my best to also make the closing on the 20th.

Sir Brian:
Weather for the 6th is *suppose* to be 79 with 10-15 mph winds so it could be a little warm but definitely doable! :)

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2013-10-02, 08:36:07 ---Weather for the 6th is *suppose* to be 79 with 10-15 mph winds so it could be a little warm but definitely doable! :)

--- End quote ---

Depending what happens with my truck today, I may or may not make MDRF on the 6th. If I do, I may need some help armoring up. :)

Sir Nate:
im sure some peasants will help you.
does the word peasant sound negative?
Well I went to the maryland renfaire in my armor, on a 90 degree day.
I go in my armor no matter the heat. Except the p.a. faire there is no shade and the blacktop roads are HOT
Im still wondering if i will make it back to the p.a. faire.
it would be the last weekend.

Sir Edward:

You're young, so that's much easier to do than for the rest of us. Heh. :) I used to not be bothered by the heat much, when I was a teen. Dehydration? No problem! :)

Now, I really have to be careful.


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