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Renfaire weekends, 2013

<< < (10/19) > >>

Sir Douglas:
Well, we've already got the hotel booked for the second weekend of PaRF next year. Just sayin'. ;) By then I should have worked out all the bugs in my chausses. (Nothing worse than having bugs in your breeches, right?)

I might be able to make one more weekend at Pittsburgh since it's relatively close, but other than that, it's just too expensive to travel to any of the farther faires this year, unfortunately. I guess that's what I get for picking expensive hobbies. ;D

On an unrelated note, can anyone give me some more info on the DoK event? Does it have a website or anything? I've seen it mentioned plenty of times, but don't really know a whole lot about it other than it's a living history event.

Will be at MDRF also on the 6 October. Hope to see you gentle knights there.

Sir Brian:
Excellent! I'll be looking for you! :)

Sir Nate:
Wow that's great!
It'll be nice to meet so many knights

Sir Martyn:
I'm also hoping to make it to MDRF (finally!) Oct 6 - any particular time & place folks usually meet up?


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