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Assassin's Creed and other EPIC resources for inspiration in our garb and kit

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Sir William:
BKS, of course...don't know why I didn't think of them myself.  Thanks, B. Patricius.  You wouldn't happen to have any stills of that sword, would you?  When I was playing the game, my crappy cell phone cam wouldn't take a good shot of it in-game. 

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2013-05-15, 19:10:02 ---I remember spending a lot a lot of time as a teenager looking for a Graflex 3 cell flash tube at antique stores all over central FL to reproduce a Luke ANH saber, but I wound up dremeling the shape out of chrome bathroom piping.  I wish I still had that saber hilt.

--- End quote ---

Those graflex tubes have gotten scarce due to fans buying them up for that. At one point, they were over $1000 on ebay. I think the price has come down considerably, but there still aren't many of them out there.

My mom has one (complete set, camera and all), and I keep teasing her that she has a "really nice lightsaber" there in her collection. :)

B. Patricius:
Sir Edward,
that's awesome!  I've heard the graflex all complete is quite valuable too. 

Sir Ian,
I too, built quite a few lightsabers in my day, and the first, and my favorite is still my home-depot special from a bunch of random parts.  Who knew a shower knob would be so perfect for a pommel?  :D

Sir William,
here's a great in-game cap I've found:

and some others as well:

and from AC2

hope these help

Sir William:
That's great, thanks B., that'll work. 

B. Patricius:
Found something today, while it's heavily fantasy based, check out the detail!  Someone like this would have no problem making armour like Altair or Ezio or any other idea.  If plate wasn't needed, I've seen leather and foam up close and personal, and with the proper techniques, until you thwacked it with your hand, you'd swear you were looking at a metal armor.!


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