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Longpoint 2013

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Sir Brian:
I am conflicted about attending Longpoint 2013 or not. I am sorely tempted despite the exuberant cost of registration this year especially after seeing who is already registered as there are quite a few names I’m anxious to test my steel against. So even if I only wanted to compete in the live steel tournament I still have to pay $185 plus the $25 additional fee – Really!?!  :o
I don’t understand why they couldn’t allow for those that want to just show up after work, compete in their event and walk away and only have to pay the nominal tournament fee. I’m just not sure I will be able to convince myself to spend over $200 just for one event.  :-\

Sir James A:
That's quite a jump, I think it was $125 in 2011? Did you inquire about a tournament only option? Couldn't hurt to ask.

Sir Edward:

Yeah, might want to ask.

I haven't decided what I'm doing yet. I missed it last year due to its proximity to a business trip I had to go on. But this year they moved Longpoint into July, so I don't think I have a conflict this time. But I've been avoiding planning anything since I've been too busy with the move (we're still not done, since we're now selling the old place).

I'm tempted to sign up and join the longsword and sword+buckler competitions, if there are slots left. Last I heard, some of them were getting pretty full, but hadn't hit the limits yet.

Sir Brian:
Well I sent them a message. I had to miss last years because it was right after VARF and I couldn't take another Saturday off so soon and now they upped the ante until it is out of my price range. I want to fight some of those names on the list but I don't want to shell out that much for the privilege of getting my butt kicked by Jake Norwood and Das Bill. It would be cheaper if I just jumped them in the parking lot, although under those circumstances I’m pretty sure the victor gets to keep the sword of the vanquished and I would loath to lose both a fight AND my Meyer!  :-\

Wow. Thats a rather pricey Tourney they've got there. Antir West is only $25. Heck even Pennsic is only $155 before your SCA discount.


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