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Custom re-enactment sword commission

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B. Patricius:
Cool, thanks everybody.  I just wanted to double check.  I thought the price was very reasonable, I was just concerned about the other details of the conversation.  Right now, I'm kind of iffy though on this particular armorer because he isn't that well known, combined with the poor communication skills he's been showing.  It isn't the fact that I wouldn't get a deposit back that concerns me that much, it's the fact he's using the money I'm giving him to get started.  Like Sir Ian said, I don't want to drop that kind of money and get it lost because of "unforseeables."  I've been around that type of thing before with body work on a car, drove me absolutely bonkers, and required a court order just to get my car back.  The scariest part was this was a bigger body shop with a very good reputation.  I don't want to be involved with something like that ever again.

It also makes sense what you all have told me.  For my custom orders, it's 25% down, then three equal payments thereafter or something to that effect, it just doesn't get sent out until it's paid for.  Also, I can understand where swords are a bit "special" minus very custom work, again like Sir James had said, it's always pretty easy to sell a gun.

Thanks everyone.  I just wanted to double check before I proceeded.  And after getting the quote from him, I'm now going to ask Albion and A&A.  Thanks again!

Who is the smith?  Is it someone we may have heard of?  For example, if his name rhymes with Fangus Clim, then stay away for now :)

B. Patricius:
Sir Ian,

I doubt it, he's a small guy here in Arizona.  If y'all have heard of him and he does as he says, than that would be sweet!  I like he's a small shop, let alone that he's local, and he's excited about my project because it's a historical piece.  Here's his website: and and here's the two swords that got me interested enough in him to contact him:

Like I've said previously.  I'm excited by the price, and I'm glad he's excited to do the work.  I just wanted to touch bases on the other parts I was concerned with, where it seems the 50% down non-refundable is normal.  I just want to make sure I'm getting my sword out of the deal. 

My design idea is up above btw


--- Quote from: B. Patricius on 2013-05-08, 00:23:26 ---...and he's excited about my project because it's a historical piece. 

--- End quote ---

This is huge.  A craftsman who's genuinely excited to work on a custom project is a craftsman you want doing your custom project.  Some makers get tired out and aren't that enthusiastic and it comes through in their work.  A guy who's stoked to do a custom project (especially if you let them utilize their artistic creativity within the bounds of your guidelines) then I suspect you'll end up with something you'll love for a lifetime.

B. Patricius:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2013-05-08, 00:27:50 ---
--- Quote from: B. Patricius on 2013-05-08, 00:23:26 ---...and he's excited about my project because it's a historical piece. 

--- End quote ---

This is huge.  A craftsman who's genuinely excited to work on a custom project is a craftsman you want doing your custom project.  Some makers get tired out and aren't that enthusiastic and it comes through in their work.  A guy who's stoked to do a custom project (especially if you let them utilize their artistic creativity within the bounds of your guidelines) then I suspect you'll end up with something you'll love for a lifetime.

--- End quote ---


Sir Ian, thank you so much.  You basically just said everything I was thinking myself.  His e-mails, although not very professional, definitely show his excitement in the project.  He even sent me links from Albion's site on how they made Arn's sword, which I already knew about, but it's great he wanted to show me he found those as well.  I have a funny feeling we're all (me and Mr. Blackmore) just being a bit paranoid and anal and wanting to make sure the project goes through.  Luckily, I do want this sword.  There's no way I'd back out.  It's taken me the past 20 years of swordsmanship to finally nail down what kind of sword I'd like to have that's a custom piece, and what I'd like on it. 

Here's the gist of what I sent him in my first e-mail:
Here are the requirements I have for my sword
It would be:
Oakeshott Type XI.
type "J" or "K" pommels.

basically it would all be single-hand broadsword of the Crusading Era.  Preferably I would like the swords to period to the First - Third Crusade (ca 1175-1200 or so) era. 

One of the main reasons why I would like to work with you is because I believe it is the small details that make the sword.  My primary inspiration for this sword is the sword from "Arn: The Knights Templar" movie
Here are the details I would like included:

I would like the cross of Jerusalem centered, embossed in the pommel
I would like "DOMINA REGINA VICTORIA" on one blade face in the fuller
I would like "DOMINE NON SUM DIGNUS" on the other blade face in the fuller
I would like "CRUX SACRA SIT MIHI LUX" on the cross guards

All of this I would like to be in a Script like Arn's, a Latin of some form, with those "dots" between the words
    *basically I would like the script in the same manner as Arn's sword, not acid etched, but embossed.  This is above and beyond my knowledge on how this was done.  I hope it isn't too much trouble.

and here's the gist of his response:
"Id be happy to take on your project, it would be refreshing to get to do a period piece. Ive been doing a lot of fantasy pieces lately and it would be good to work on something based in reality for a change. " 

He also said since the guard and pommel would be cast it would be easy to later make a cutting functional sword too.  Also, just in case something catastrophic happened to the guard or pommel, since my first one is for re-enactment, that it would be easy for him to re-cast the guard and pommel for me again in case they did break.

Thanks again everyone for helping me with my worries.  I've done a lot, a lot of custom pieces, both as the artist and as the customer.  I've been through the ups and downs and I just want this to go smoothly.  Also, my lady says continually, that I always worry too much.  But I've basically survived because of my "prepare for the worst, hope for the best."

Mr. Blackmore is also really excited that I want to do a full review of the weapon on MyArmoury when it's completed (as it seems re-enactment blades are scarce), post it on facebook (both of us), and have him post it on deviantart.  I want him to succeed too.  I always root for the small shop.

Thanks again

also, I almost forgot.  I need help with the pommel choice.  I want to make sure it's accurate to the type of blade and era.  Basically the early crusades, preferably the Third and soon thereafter.  Is the type "J" or "K" found on Type XIs?  I've looked everywhere and have only found a "maybe."  I was wondering if others have had better luck.  I don't mind the acorn pommel, I'm just concerned how that would look with the Cross of Jerusalem on it.

the Darksword "Norman" has the type "J/K" pommel on it.  I don't know which of those for sure it is, sorry.


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