Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Why? Russia, Why?
Sir Vander Linde:
^In summation Russia is banning all western knightly practices and reenactment, such as that of the Teutonic order, in order to promote Russian culture rather than other cultures. It seems silly to me, I have a few friends in Russia that are rather upset over this. Sad. :(
While I personally have a lot of admiration for President Putin, as he is a strong man, a hunter and a Warrior - I think his past as an operative too often clouds his judgement. To become an isolationist, nationalist state is never a wise move. History is replete with examples of how such societies eventually atrophy and crumble.
Sir Edward:
I haven't read the article, but based on the discussion here, that sounds very unfortunate. I guess not all cultures are as open to diversity, history, and world culture as our society is, but still, I don't think entertaining those things will damage your local culture. That does sound like isolationism to me.
Sir James A:
--- Quote ---Vyborg and authorities are worried for the safety of festival goers - because, according to them, the event does not provide a safe zone.
--- End quote ---
Reasonable concern to me, however the rest is isolationist.
The translation I'm reading does not say that Russia is banning anything. It sounds like a very regional issue, if not something completely isolated to the City of Vyborg.
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