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exciting find!


Sir Wolf:

Lord Dane:
Very cool!!! :)

Sir James A:
Where's his horns?? Obviously not a real viking. ;)

Is it just me or are there *a lot* more discoveries of viking/medieval things in the last 10 or 20 years than the previous 200?

B. Patricius:

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2013-04-15, 00:10:17 ---Where's his horns?? Obviously not a real viking. ;)

Is it just me or are there *a lot* more discoveries of viking/medieval things in the last 10 or 20 years than the previous 200?

--- End quote ---

Sir James, you're definitely spot on with that.  As more and more people become fascinated with something, be it Vikings, or what-have-you, it becomes easier for scholars, archaeologists and most importantly the universities that fund them, to go searching.  Right now, definitely Vikings are en-vogue, which isn't a bad thing.  :)


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