Main > The Armoury

kult of athena has butted and riveted chausis NOW

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B. Patricius:
Those chauces look good Sir Wolf  8)
I like the knee cops too, nice and simple for good early period floaters

B. Patricius

Sir James A:
Yeah Allan's you can tie directly to the mail if you got them with the point holes. As far as the shoes, you'll probably have to do it the "hard" way and not have them attached directly. It's a little more work, but not bad. You can put the chausses on first, then just use some lace to tie them up a bit temporarily, put on your shoes and tie them, then take out that temporary lace and let the chausses sit over top of the shoes. It's not hard, just takes a little time. The look is worth the time.

B. Patricius:
Sir Wolf,

I don't know if your google-fu has found this yet, but it seems to be a fairly good tutorial for chausses.'s+Project

I'm weaving right now, so I'm still a ways off from actually attaching them myself, I like the concept though.  Like trimming mail with leather, it looks like it would work well, in theory  ;D

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: B. Patricius on 2013-04-26, 19:22:43 ---Like trimming mail with leather, it looks like it would work well, in theory

--- End quote ---

It's worked fine for me around the house so far, did mine like that a year or two ago. :)

Sir Wolf:

mail chausis..................... suck. i seriously need to take these apart in the thighs and tighten them up.  kinda afraid to do it now cause I may not get them back together in time. I would also like to add to them to much exposed thigh for my taste.


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