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Capitol Arming Sword Open Tournament

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Sir Edward:

From Bill:

--- Quote ---Hello everyone,
Sorry for the delay, but we finally have registration open! We were planning on setting up a simple PayPal link, but due to some hiccups, we're going to do what we did for our previous HEMA Open. The registration is through the AskFred website, which is a third party site designed for sport fencing tournaments. When you register, it automatically says that this is a "foil" tournament, but rest assured, this is definitely a HEMA event!

The link is here:

We've also extended the pregestration deadline to May 1. So sign up and come fight!

Also, don't forget to check out the list of rules and equipment requirements on our website:
--- End quote ---

I'm just signed up. Event is May 4th (Star Wars day).

Sir Brian:
Lots of luck!  :)
Don't forget we have that photo session/Knighting ceremony on Sunday the 5th!  ;)

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2013-04-12, 14:04:37 ---Lots of luck!  :)
Don't forget we have that photo session/Knighting ceremony on Sunday the 5th!  ;)

--- End quote ---

Yep, busy weekend!

Sir William:
It says 'arming sword' but it looks like the setup is for longswording?  Is it one or both?

Sir Brian:
AFAIK for all intent and purposes they are referring to Messer blades and heavy cavalry sabres.  :-\


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