Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Viking horned helms, yep I went there.

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Sir Vander Linde:
 by the way... Sorry if I come of as a prik.

Yeah the birka is of Rus making. There was a version found in Fin. Land. That is differnet that starts with a "k" but o curently forget the name of it. Was a inland thing and probably never left the local area where it was found.

Sir Wolf:
;) birka, fins all had heavy Rus influence did they not? esp from the Byzantium guards etc? also check your time table the "vikings era" is a short one. from lindensfarne(sp?) 790s to what? at the latest 1066?

Sir Wolf:
and single piece conical helmets do not fall into this range. they are post 1066 correct?

Check out this article, and the website as a whole. Very good stuff on Norse culture.



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