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Lord Tristin, Humble newcomer.

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Lord Tristin:
Greetings and well met! I am Tristin, Humble Scholar of the knightly code and practitioner of Western Combat. I have been out of practice for a few years in the combat area due to work, but as my schedule now permits I would like to acquire new weapons and armor and perhaps once again train with my fellows.

I have no knowledge of weapon or armor smithing, however I am adept at several different forms of combat. I currently practice my own style due to fusing several techniques together, for better or worse.

I am always looking to learn and am the first to admit I have much to learn. I currently have no armor, however anyone that has advice where to get armor or someone here who crafts armor  I would more than be happy to speak with you. My work keeps me very busy as  I am an Automotive sales consultant, however  I have a part time job as well as a DJ and I sing with bands as well. I value art and the Bardic traditions of old, and love to share what I know of them. Please feel free to ask me any questions.

Sir Wolf:
huzzah and welcome!! where do you hail from?

Sir Edward:

Welcome to the forum! We've had several newcomers this week; this is awesome.

Lord Tristin:
I hail form southern Wisconsin. I was born in southern Spain actually. My family was once nobles in the Spanish court. The Vazquez's we were shipbuilders and sailors, knights and merhcants in the days before Franco, he took everything form my family, but I was adopted by an American family at infancy and couldn't be happier with my family. I took the name Tristin after the first great romance, Tristin and Isolde.

Lord Dane:
Welcome & well-met Tristin. Find yourself amongst your brethren here. :)


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