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(Real info)
My name is William 'Wolfhawk' Bennett. I am 25% English with heavy influence of Scottish bloodlines. I reside presently in the DFW area of Texas but will be moving further South to the San Antonio area within the next few years. I have a son who is as involved in the Scottish life as I am. I am married but she does not get involved in much RenFair-related stuff other that visiting some fairs. All the organization listed at the end are real involvement and are weaved into my 'back story'. I am spiritual and do believe in 'doing good works' for my fellow mankind. If you have any further questions, I am happy to answer them to the best of my abilities. My pursuant of membership within 'The Order of the Thistle' and a couple of others involve fund-raising for charities like Scottish Rites Hospital, St. Jude Hosptial, and others.

(This is my 'back story')
My name is Uilleam 'Wolfhawk' Kerr.

I am a Scotsman from the Border with England; I have traveled to the Court of Queen Margaret. Queen Margaret was Margaret Tudor, second child of Henry VII, King of England and his queen, Elizabeth of York; she is the sister of King Henry VIII. From the moment of her birth, she was almost immediately promised to the King of Scotland, James IV as a bride. That promise was fulfilled through the Treaty of Perpetual Peace signed in November of 1502. The union of the Thistle and the Rose, as the marriage became known, was solemnized on August 8, 1503 in a lavish wedding ceremony at the Palace of Holyrood in Edinburgh. Margaret was 13 and the Scottish king was 30.

It was never her plan to stand at the helm of Scotland, but upon the death of James IV (God save his soul) at the Battle of Flodden in September 1513, she found herself a 24-year-old single mother, pregnant and holding the reigns of rulership over a nation who had just lost the flower of its nobility in a war against her younger brother, Henry VIII, King of England and Ireland.

I seek to find my Father who was a member of the King's Guard; one of his Nobles. I have taken of the surname of my Mother as the surname of my Father is not yet known to me at present. I am at peace with lack of this knowledge because I know it is who I am that makes the man; not his Father's Name. As the list that follows indicates, I have been involved in pursuing means of strengthening my 'metal' by trying to make sure my Queen, Her Court, and my Country is protected. With the blessings of my peers and the Court, I will pursue the Rights of Knighthood within the 'Order of the Thistle' and other chivalrous societies.  Beyond the aforementioned protected groups, I try to protect the weak and be truthful with the daily dealings of my fellow man. Ladies are to be protected and honored as they are the closest creature to Godliness on this Earth.

I hope my coming together with you might increase my strive to perfect my goal of becoming worthy to be judged well once I cross-over thru the veil.

I hold membership in Scarborough of 1533 in the following functions:
Queen Margaret's Royal Scottish Guard - Corporal of the Guard
Oculus Nox (Night Eyes), a Irish Honour Guard -  Membership
Scottish Royal Court - GongMaster
Queen's Own Highlanders - Member

I hold membership within the following in general:
The Order of Culloden Moor
Texas Kilted Society - DFW Chapter VP
Na Fir Dileas - Companion Member
Scottish Tartan Authority - Member #1834
Brotherhood of the Kilt - Lifetime #267
RenRat Nation - Member

Clan Farquharson, USA - Member
Clan Kerr - Member
Clan M'Crack - Member & Secretary (Shrubb'n M'Crack)
Clan Ootland - Member
Clan McLotofus - Member

Scotster - Lifetime

Sir Brian:
Hail and well met! Welcome to the forum!

Great back story and thanks for sharing it with us. :)

Sir Wolf:
welcome. always cool to have a back story!!!!

Sir James A:
Hail and well met!

Lord Dane:
Welcome to the forum.


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